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Digital Advertising for the Local Business Owner: Part 1

Advertisements on the internet have been around almost as long as the World Wide Web itself. Whether you're looking for information on your favorite search engine, pulling up a favorite music video, or corresponding with old friends on social media, it's likely the first thing you see when attempting to do any of those things is an advertisement. While your first reaction might be one of annoyance, nearly everyone has a memory of a particular ad that caught their eye, or even that led to a purchase.

Digital advertisements are one of the best ways of interacting with an audience that you may not have ever interacted with otherwise, but the road map for accessing those audiences, thanks to the ubiquity of the internet, is becoming progressively less clear. To help with that, Technical Resource Solutions has put together a short primer on digital ads, their utility, and some frequently asked questions!

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Take Control of Your Brand by Implementing Tracking

Any business owner knows that data can be a powerful thing. Tracking sales can help you optimize inventory, find upselling opportunities, and companion items to increase your average order value. Research data following customers' eyes as they peruse store aisles informs on what shelf real estate is more valuable for brands. Tracking customer movement in and out of the store can help you determine what hours are best to stay open, and what hours are best to schedule additional staff.

The same can be said of your digital marketing presence. If all you do is post occasionally on a Facebook page or sending out emails to your list of clients without checking the data first, you might be leaving a huge source of potential revenue untapped. 

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It's Time to Embrace Endpoint Detection and Response

Computer security is a constant battle. Cybersecurity experts and researchers are continually working to thwart attacks, but attackers are finding new ways to exploit unsecured machines just as quickly. As such, traditional tools for identifying and snuffing out malware are no longer sufficient on their own – a better way is needed.  

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) provides a means for business owners needing to protect their networks from malicious software.

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Standardize Tech for an Efficient Workplace

When it comes to buying equipment for a workforce, you're faced with a balancing act. Between the cost of the equipment, its capabilities, and its practicality, it can be hard to narrow down what the ideal workplace machine will look like. To top it off, the issue is made even more confusing thanks to widespread supply issues for computer components. Despite all this, standardizing your workplace's computing infrastructure can have real effects on a company's bottom line.

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Five Ways to Increase Time Spent on Your Site

With recent changes to both the Google algorithm and Google's analytics tools, it's clear to see that websites' rankings are not only dependent on relevance and usability, but also the amount of time users spend interacting with your site. In many cases, your website is your "first impression" to clients who might be finding you from the wider web, and keeping your site at the top of those search results is key. That said, here are four ways to increase interactivity on your site and keep people engaged before they make that final conversion to "customer."

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Should I Let My Browser Allow Notifications?

When browsing the internet, some of us may encounter a very familiar pop-up on the top-left corner of the screen: "This website wants to show notifications." In some cases, these push notifications can be useful to the end-user. Push notifications enabled on Facebook, for instance, may allow a user to see what their friends have messaged them, even when they're not currently browsing Facebook itself. Unfortunately, some websites have recently seen fit to take advantage of consumer trust and have been using these push notifications (and other granted browser permissions) to malign purposes.

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Understanding the Pieces that Complete the Website Puzzle

You may be surprised to know that making a website available to others online isn't simply a matter of "putting it up," but is instead a chain of interlocking pieces that contribute to the function of a whole. Between hosting, domain names, DNS settings, nameservers, and more, each of these pieces combine to create the larger puzzle that makes your website accessible to others on the internet. 

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Understanding Internet Privacy: What Are Cookies?

As an internet user, you've likely heard some of the recent discourse over web privacy, tracking, and changes regarding those topics. Last year, Safari took the first step in blocking third-party cookies, and now other internet browsers are following suit. The death of the third-party cookie is a pivotal moment in the history of internet usage and in the history of internet privacy, but their nebulous description and wide variety of usages has left some in the dark about what cookies actually are.

So, what are cookies, and what are they for?

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Windows 11 Rolls Out Today!

In 2015, Microsoft said that Windows 10 would be the last versioned release of the operating system. So it came as a surprise to many when the company announced the upcoming release of Windows 11 earlier this year. If you're not inclined to keep up with the latest technology, this may come as a bit of a surprise, and you may be wondering how such an upgrade will affect the IT infrastructure of your business. The tech news world has been aflutter with information and speculation as to the nature of the Windows 11 update, but now that there are more concrete facts, here's what you need to know: 

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Prevent Disaster and Downtime with Data Backups

If you've ever been the victim of data loss, a hack, malware or similar without a backup, you know the sting of losing hard work and vital company data when things go wrong. Data loss without a backup, at a best-case scenario, can cause the loss of countless hours and dollars spent. At a worst-case scenario, data loss without a backup can lead to irrecoverable damage to a business. Research has shown that after a catastrophic data loss, 40 to 60% of small businesses will never reopen.  

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Why Update Your Website

First impressions are everything, right? More often than not, your website serves as that first impression for potential customers, helping them decide if they want to choose you as their service or product provider. Since your website holds so much weight on a viewer's decision, it's crucial to maintain a positive, updated image in the public eye. People are more and more tech-savvy – and they expect you to be too! In a world full of competitors, make yourself stand out in the crowd by refining your website design, content, and images – after all, this is the part of your website that everyone interacts with. Make it a good experience!

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Why Video Marketing Should Be Your Next Big Move

Video is a powerful tool that can be utilized in any industry for marketing purposes. Need to put together an explainer video? Advertise your services? Interview an employee on the subject they specialize in? Record an event? Release a how-to video? The possibilities of video marketing are endless, and those that we listed are just a few of the directions you can go in. Our society continues to gravitate towards video content now more than ever. IGTV, reels, Facebook Watch – almost every social media platform has promoted video, and consumers are liking it… 

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June 2021 Google Update: What It Is and How It Will Affect You

You likely interact with Google every day, but your personal experience is just the tip of the iceberg. There are hundreds of guidelines in place for web developers and SEOs to follow – all there to get in Google's good graces. However, it's like playing a game where the rules change every so often. Now, it's not without reason – Google's ultimate goal is to improve the user's experience. While great for the user, it can create some challenges and a list of to-dos for you or your web developer. Starting mid-June 2021, Google released a new update that focuses on Page Experience… 

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Website Planning Process: What You Need

Many moving parts go into designing and developing your website, and a big part of the project is having everything your website team needs from the get-go. While the process may appear to be pretty simple, there are many moving parts and one of the common characteristics of a smooth project is a client who comes prepared with ideas, content, and a willingness to collaborate. No one knows your business like you do, and that perspective is extremely valuable when building out your website. Here are ways you can adequately prepare for the design and development of your website. 

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Are You Guilty of Sending Graymail?

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a gray area is defined as "an area or situation in which it is difficult to judge what is right and what is wrong." This definition proves to be accurate in the case of graymail as it's a problem in the marketing industry that even the best marketers struggle with. Though it's a widespread problem, it's not often talked about so we will dive into what graymail is, why you want to avoid it, and steps you can take to try to remedy its effects. 

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How to Send Mass Email on Gmail – Don’t

My typical day looks like meandering around the office greeting my TRS family and eavesdropping on their conversations. They're always busy at work providing marketing plans and solutions for clients, a major part of that being email marketing. As I make my rounds, I've more than once overheard them explaining to clients why they shouldn't send bulk mail through their personal or business email accounts. Because I think this topic is a real tail wagger, I thought I would do them a favor and write a blog about all the reasons you just can't send bulk mail through your email account. 

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2020 Technology Gift Guide

Believe it or not, Christmas is right around the corner and you'll want to jump on the Christmas shopping early this year. While many families have the long-standing tradition of going Black Friday shopping the day after Thanksgiving, many stores are shutting their doors on Thanksgiving and promoting sales for months instead of for 24 hours. Though it's all in efforts to keep people safe, this could potentially change the way we shop for Christmas gifts moving forward. According to Clark Howard, we're more likely to see sales in October and November, with a drastic increase in prices after December 11th. To help you get your shopping done early, we decided to release our 2020 Technology Gift Guide early this year. Check out these gifts selected by the whole Technical Resource Solutions team! 

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Google and Joomla! Join Forces Through Sponsorship

It's safe to say that most everyone knows about or at least has heard of Google. It's also safe to say that you probably use it every day! However, if you're not a Technical Resource Solutions website customer, you may not have heard about Joomla, an open source content management system (CMS). We chose this platform over 10 years ago and have spent a great many hours explaining to current and potential customers the many benefits of Joomla, with many of them having never heard of the platform at all. Thanks to Google's recently announced sponsorship of Joomla, we're expecting this platform to become more familiar among business owners. Our team is excited about this new development and we are looking forward to all of the benefits that come with this sponsorship. 

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How to Sell on Facebook

Now is the time to prepare your business for the #NewNormal and implement proactive marketing and technology strategies so you're ahead of the curve, no matter what comes next. Take the first step and learn some practical steps you can implement right now to offer your services on Facebook.

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Grey Badges on Facebook are Gone!

Have you heard?

Facebook gray verified badges for business pages are officially gone! So, what does this mean for you?

Essentially, you might have gone through the application process to earn your gray verified check mark. This makes your business page look credible and shows that you are who you say you are. However, with this change comes some extra effort that has to go into maintaining your credibility. 

As Facebook makes this transition and updates their process, we will let you know!
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