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Why Update Your Website

First impressions are everything, right? More often than not, your website serves as that first impression for potential customers, helping them decide if they want to choose you as their service or product provider. Since your website holds so much weight on a viewer's decision, it's crucial to maintain a positive, updated image in the public eye. People are more and more tech-savvy – and they expect you to be too! In a world full of competitors, make yourself stand out in the crowd by refining your website design, content, and images – after all, this is the part of your website that everyone interacts with. Make it a good experience!

Evolution of Web Design

Technology and trends change – we see it happening every day and that hasn't changed for thousands of years. Website design trends have changed dramatically, requiring that many people update their websites. Below, we've included an image of the Technical Resource Solutions website in 2011 versus 2021.

Out with the Old 

In 2011, the website pictured on the left was on par for the design trends of the time. Everything from the fixed-width screen containing the site content to the neon lettering, gradient, and the wide dividers – it was exactly what customers were used to seeing across websites in 2011. However, times began to change… 

In with the New

On the right, you see our website as it is today. It boasts a full-screen design, modern graphics, dynamic pages, a modern font, and responds properly on your mobile device. These are just a few of the things you can see from the image above that show how far we've come over the last 10 years. Not to mention, there is functionality available that extends far beyond what was on the market in 2011. 

By making sure your website is up to date, you can wow your potential clients before they even get to your interior pages. Make a great impression and entice people to keep looking at what you have to offer. 

How Images Impact Your Website

First things first – quality, original images are the best possible option. Not only are you positively contributing to the aesthetics of your website, but you're also showing your customers real people and real projects within your company. This makes an impression on someone that's looking to learn more about who you are. Stock images are a good substitute for some industries, but the goal should be to use original images. While phone cameras have become astronomically better over the years, we recommend hiring a professional photographer to take pictures of your products or facilities. If you need updated images, we have an in-house photographer with a wide variety of experience in photographing facilities, products, and employees. Contact us for a quote! As an additional note, there has been a recent push towards video for both marketing and website purposes. By adding videos to various pages within your website, you can increase the amount of time someone spends on your page and decrease your bounce rate. 

Updating Website Content

Just about anyone who has directly worked with SEO has heard the phrase "Content is king." This has been repeated by SEOs across every industry. Why? Because it's true! Here are some reasons why you should be updating your content regularly:
  • Keywords Change. Over the years, what and how people are researching information, products, and services has changed. This means that the keywords your targeting may have become irrelevant, making it important to re-evaluate your SEO strategy.
  • Companies Change. Every company undergoes price, service, and location changes. However, many companies forget to make sure those changes are reflected on their website.
  • Google Changes. Ultimately, Google is trying to provide users what they want and need. If your content isn't helpful to your website visitors and following Google's recommendations, you may not rank as well as you would like.
  • What Doesn't Change. Even with 150+ Google updates, it's still just as important to update your website content, and this likely won't change. If you're consistently putting forth effort to provide valuable information, you have an even better chance of pleasing Google. 

What's Next 

Updating your website can be a tedious process if you haven't done it in several years. We recommend making consistent updates because not only does it look good to Google, but it also makes it easier for you in the long run. At Technical Resource Solutions, we're ready to jump in and take your website to the next level whether it be a complete make-over or creating a plan for how to make consistent updates moving forward. 

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