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Tapping Into the Potential of LinkedIn for Your Business

While many of us may be more than familiar with the long-established social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, there's a social media platform out there that seems to demand our attention in the business world – LinkedIn!

Known as the "professional social networking site," LinkedIn continues to grow, not only as a recruitment tool, but as a lead generation and connection hub for the B2B world. Not only is LinkedIn experiencing another spike in usage, the Microsoft-owned social media platform's revenue increased by 7.4% last year, the most growth its seen in three years.

Understanding the Difference Between User and Business Profiles

There are two primary types of ways that you and your business can be on LinkedIn; there's the individual account you login with each time, and there's the business or organization page that you, your employees, peers and potential clients can interact with. Even if you do not consider yourself a hyper-active social media poster, there is plenty of work to be done on the business page side of things. 

Promoting Your Business on LinkedIn

One of the best features on LinkedIn for businesses is the ability to promote your business through organic posts, promoted posts and sponsored ads. Not all of these methods should be treated the same, so understanding the difference is critical in finding success. 

1. Focus on Your Post Feed

The easiest thing you can start doing on your company's LinkedIn page is to get your post feed more active. Some good ideas to focus on if you're just starting out are making posts about company news, events or conferences your employees attend and even company successes. It's also important to coordinate a strategy when posting to focus on themes important to your company's motto or slogan. 

2. Promoting Your Posts

Similar to boosting a post on Facebook or Instagram, LinkedIn offers the ability to promote existing posts from your feed. This can be a great way to promote a successful post you already had made, or promote an upcoming post about an event or product launch. 

3. LinkedIn Ad Campaigns

Creating an ad campaign on LinkedIn is a fantastic way to target thousands of LinkedIn users in specific industries, locations or differing levels of seniority to truly reach those decision makers. Ads appear in users' LinkedIn feeds alongside regular posts, making them a great way to get in front of your future clients. 

Check for Accurate & Updated Branding

Whether you're creating your page from scratch or reigniting an old page you had created, the most important thing to address right away is the page's branding. This includes things such as your account name, business type and/or industry, profile picture (logo), header image and more.
Your social media branding is always going to be tied directly into your business's brand identity. It should be extremely consistent across the entire social media world. This is one of those things where, if done correctly, should go "unnoticed," meaning it will be seamlessly integrated into a user's experience.

If something like your logo is outdated, cropped or disproportionately sized, that can be a glaring sign that your company information may be old, inaccurate or obsolete. Just think what your parents or teachers probably told you growing up, "dress for success!"

Professionals on LinkedIn can see your company's profile in search results, recommended business pages, employee bio areas and more, so always ensure that your account information and branding are up to date and accurate. 

How a Digital Marketer Can Help

At Technical Resource Solutions, our digital marketing team is made up of expert graphic designers, content writers, social media gurus and more. We can aid your business in getting started or jumping back into the world of LinkedIn, one step at a time. Give us a call to set up a consultation and see how we can help you succeed on social media today! 

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