We live in a digital age where data has become one of the most valuable commodities in the world. Businesses collect huge volumes of data every day from their customers, and this data plays a critical role in their day-to-day operations. If business organizations happen to lose their data under any circumstance, the consequences can be quite catastrophic.
Cyber insurance is an invaluable tool in your risk management arsenal. Think of it as one of the many weapons you have against cyberthreats. However, there's a widespread misconception that having cyber insurance is enough. The truth is—without a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy, your insurance can offer only limited protection.
Remote or hybrid work models are utilized by many businesses to keep their operations up and running. For all its benefits, hybrid work does present unique challenges as it exposes organizations to a whole new level of cybersecurity and compliance threats. With cybercriminals preying on vulnerable home networks and work-from-home employees saving files on local drives, businesses using a remote work model face a significant threat to proprietary data.
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