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Working With Your Web Designer

Have you ever had one of those weeks when there's so much to do that you have cereal for dinner... every night? If you're an entrepreneur, of course you have! And part of the reason for that is because you take pride in your work, have a good work ethic, and want to ensure your customers are happy with the results.

Around our office, we have a lot of late nights. Lucky for me, I never have to resort to cereal for my own dinner, but the take-out food and caffeinated beverages consumed by some people in my office are always an indication that we're on a deadline, or we're trying to re-work a design that someone wants to tweak.

Let me share with you a few things that make my ears perk up during a design meeting:

 "Everyone" as a Target Audience.
People have different needs, different tastes, and different goals. Not everyone, for example, likes dogs (go figure!), so if you are a small business owner whose website needs to target dog lovers, "Everyone" is not your audience.

Knowing who your audience IS, however, will help us craft a design and a message that will appeal to those people who are seeking your services and will eventually become your customers.

Websites Evolve
Simply having a website is not all there is to it. As your business develops, so should your website. Inventory and service offerings change, prices need to be updated, and your photos and text need to keep up with the current market to help your business stay competitive.

Think of your website like your car. Your 1980 conversion van might still run, but it likely doesn't convey the message – or image – of who you and your business are today. Same goes for your website: the site created for your business in 1999 might still be active, but it needs to adapt so it is compatible with current technology – like smart phones and tablets.

Be An Original
I can't tell you how many people see a design and say, "I want to look just like that!" Well, that belongs to someone else's business, so outright copying would 1) be tacky and 2) not deliver YOUR message to YOUR specific audience.

During a design meeting, my people ask you questions about how you chose your business, how long you've been in business, what your top-selling products or services are, and what kind of customer feedback you receive. We also want to know who (specifically) your target audience is (see above), so we can make your website reflect YOU and YOUR BUSINESS.

Let Us Help You
We've worked in this industry a long time, so we know how to make our customers happy. We look forward to a night of take-out food and a double espresso on your behalf!

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